Start Today! – Tomorrow begins today…and HOPE is what kick-starts the engine of the future...
“I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.” – Maya Angelou
• Are you struggling day to day with problems that seem to overwhelm you and take away all of your energy?
• Are you tired of waiting for someone to provide you with the hope you wish you already had?
• Are you under the weight of burdens you can no longer hold on your own?
• Do you know how to fight despair?
• Are you doing just fine in your personal and business life, but distraught by all of the things you see around you?
➢ Natural disasters
➢ Immorality at every turn
➢ Corruption
➢ Death
➢ Poverty
The list goes on and on (and on)…
Where Is The Hope?
From the desk of Herb Ammons
Re: Where is the hope?
I know it’s a bit cliché anymore to talk about hope. We’ve heard about it in recent years about as much as any time in history, and with our 24 hour news cycle it’s made things even worse.
Funny thing is…we need it now more than ever, especially in the face of how much “Hope” has been promised to us by this person or that program, etc. Where is the hope that has been promised?
The discussion of hope probably goes back as far as the beginning of recorded history. It’s not a new concept. Even though we’ve heard about it more recently than ever before, that just shows that it is still relevant and valid as a concept that we should try to grab hold of every day!
I honestly don’t really like watching the news that often anymore. I still pay attention, and yes, I still watch, but the despair is TERRIBLE! It seems like only bad news is news worthy anymore, and there is plenty of that. Just take a look at the headlines and you’ll see what I mean.
There are plenty of good people doing plenty of good things, yet you rarely see these things on the news. On the opposite side of that, if someone is brutally killed 3000 miles from your location, it will make your local news every time…even though it’s not really local news! Why is our focus so negative? This is why we need hope now more than ever.
Here are a few of the headlines from recent news:
1) Plane crash kills 152
2) Police make arrest in local shooting
3) Man gets 25 years for prostituting young girl
4) Pair pleads guilty to kidnapping man
5) Fugitive on the run
6) Unemployment still too high
7) More workers not finding work
8) Housing values drop yet again
9) Debt and deficits on the rise
you’ll find some rays of light scattered among the heavy headlines…but
the news is usually overwhelmingly BAD. Years ago, there was a quote
attached to a song. It’s a Christian, faith based song, but it can be
applied across many different views or walks of life.
"Where is the hope? I meet millions who tell me that they feel demoralized by the decay around us. Where is the hope? The hope that each of us have is not in who governs us, or what laws are passed, or what great things that we do as a nation. Our hope is in the power of God working through the hearts of people, and that's where our hope is in this country; that's where our hope is in life."- Steven Curtis Chapman
Now I know that not all of you believe the way I do, but HOPE is a lot
like faith. We need it. It’s something that has to come from within, and
it relies on something bigger than ourselves…
Whether you need hope in your personal life, business life, financial life, or just to combat the negative energy that seems to pulse through the world right now at the speed of fiber optic information networks…
A book with daily quotes meant to inspire hope. Quotes from all times…all walks of life…because hope doesn’t know race, sex, or time period. It doesn’t change with the wind of politics or religion.
From unknown authors, to the Dalai Lama, Martin Luther King Jr., Maya Angelou, and the Bible. Presidents, a First Lady, and Malcolm X. All had words of wisdom gleaned from different experiences, but all were meant to help find HOPE in any circumstance.
Hope is also something that cannot be given to you. It is something you have to find, regardless of where your life is leading you at any given moment. These quotes will not be your hope, but merely a source of inspiration…a place to start…to start to find your own hope.
Do you have hope?
Do you need more hope?
Are you struggling to find hope?
There is no magic bullet. No wiggle of the nose to make a wish come true. There is, however, wisdom that has been passed down from good and bad times alike. Times when hope was hardest to find, and times when hope shone as bright as the noonday sun.
As I edited the content for this book, my one and only wish was to
inspire someone, somewhere, to find what is missing in their life. Hope
for tomorrow, for a better job, relationship, grade in school. Hope for
health, a better prognosis, a successful cancer treatment. Hope for a
happy marriage, a healthy baby. Hope for a nation, for a people.
I sincerely HOPE that you will find whatever successes you pursue,
personally or professionally, and that you will find your own version of
HOPE in the pages of this book.
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'Hope For Tomorrow' Right Now!
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Have a Happy Day!
Herb Ammons
P.S. This book is a motivational tool filled with inspirational
quotes to help you survive and succeed during difficult times. "Hope for
Tomorrow" features quotations by wise men and women who are great
sources of wisdom. Also included are pages for your journal. Writing
in your journal is a powerful form of self-expression. Recording your
thoughts help you gain clarity, release, and relief. Hopefully this
journal will become a constant companion for you to record your
experiences and insights.